CBD hemp oil

Positive effect on well-being

Also used as a beauty product
Where would you like Hemp Oil to use it for?
Hemp Oil products

Pain-relieving | HHC oil
Works at: Anti-inflammatory | Anxiety Attacks | Calming | Pain Relieving
From 17,95
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Relaxing | CBD oil
Works at: Anxiety Attacks | Calming | Sleep | Soothing
From 13,50
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Anti-inflammatory | CBD oil
Works at: Anti-inflammatory | Pain Relieving
From 13,50
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Sedative | CBN oil
Works at: Anxiety Attacks | Calming | Pain Relieving | Sleep
From 17,50
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Airway | CBD oil
Works at: Anti-inflammatory | Bronchodilatory | Calming | Pain Relieving
From 24,95
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CBG oil | Super Synergy
Works at: Anxiety Attacks | Calming | Intestinal Complaints | Sleep
From 30,-
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Strengthens | CBD oil
Works at: Protective | Strengthened
From 24,95
View productFall asleep faster, worry less
Helps well with sleeping and stress. Sometimes a bit of headache in the morning. But it doesn’t outweigh a normal night’s rest.
Different person
I experience the 6% CBD as very positive. It gives me a better mood and significantly flattens my negative thoughts. Since I’m in a difficult phase, this gives me extra support.
Noticed improvement
After a few days, it started working. I did increase the drops after a week.
Fast delivery, top products
Delivered within a day and quickly relieved from my inflammations.
Good product
I am very satisfied with Happy HHC. I used to use cannabis oil, but this works just as well.
In one word “amazing”!
I sleep much more peacefully again and during the day I’m also zen!

What is hemp oil?
There are quite a few misunderstandings about buying hemp oil and what hemp oil does. It turns out that one person might mean something different with hemp oil than another. While one person primarily thinks of hemp oil for cooking, another person mainly thinks of hemp oil as a medicine, or hemp oil used medicinally.
Often, when people talk about hemp oil, they are actually referring to hemp seed oil. This 'household' oil is obtained from the seeds of the hemp plant. Hemp seed oil (and the seeds, by the way) is readily available in supermarkets. This hemp oil is healthy for you, as it contains a good balance of essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6 and is packed with antioxidants like vitamin E and carotene. It also contains many important minerals. This hemp oil is also said to promote hair growth. Definitely a nice oil to have at home.
CBD hemp oil
What can also be meant when talking about hemp oil is the so-called ‘CBD hemp oil’. As the name suggests, this is an oil containing CBD. CBD oil is made from the hemp plant and can also contain hemp seed oil as a carrier. But in addition, it contains CBD, which stands for cannabidiol. Nowadays, hemp oil is often mentioned alongside CBD. To understand where this comes from, it helps to know that there are two types of cannabis plants, namely the hemp plant and the marijuana plant.
The hemp plant mainly contains CBD. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. Non-psychoactive means that it doesn't get you high. CBD is obtained from legal hemp cultivation and is known for the many positive effects it can have on both body and mind. The marijuana plant mainly contains THC, which is a psychoactive compound that does have a mind-altering effect.
Oil can be made from both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant. When referring to hemp oil with THC, it is usually marijuana oil. Since CBD oil is made from the hemp plant, it is often referred to as hemp oil.
High quality ingredients
Happy CBD hemp oil contains only the best ingredients such as a full spectrum CBD paste with a wide range of natural compounds.
The entourage effect
If you are already familiar with CBD hemp oil and the benefits it provides for you, CBD hemp oil combined with other cannabinoids, such as CBN or CBG, can enhance the effect of a full-spectrum oil.
Can contribute to tranquility
Many users report that hemp oil helps them unwind and contributes to a sense of balance. Some also experience improved sleep with regular use of hemp oil in their evening routine. Note that the experience varies from person to person and may depend on individual needs.
Completely safe
Our CBD hemp oil is “double tested” which means it is thoroughly tested both before and after processing. Would you like to see the test report?
You can! Just go to the product and download the test report at the bottom of the page.

Medicinal Hemp Oil
The main effect of hemp oil is that it supports our body's own system and the body's restorative ability. Hemp oil can also be used as a medicine. Both CBD and THC are part of the cannabinoids. These natural substances found in cannabis interact with a body’s own system that each of us has: the endocannabinoid system. This system is like a control center for the body and regulates various important processes such as:
Blood pressure
Motor skills
Signal transmission
The endocannabinoid system influences our mood, sleep, and pain perception, to name a few. The system is a sort of network of protein receptors and produces its own substances (endocannabinoids) that are almost identical to the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. Both CBD and THC are recognized by the body as native substances and thus interact with our body's own system.
What is Hemp Oil Good For?
CBD hemp oil is often seen as a natural supplement to a healthy lifestyle. It is valued for its versatile applications and broad usability. Although there is still a lot of ongoing research, hemp oil with CBD is commonly used as support in various situations and as part of personal care routines.
In addition to its use as a dietary supplement, CBD hemp oil is also applied in skincare. Many people add it to their beauty routine due to the natural properties of CBD, which can contribute to maintaining a well-kept skin.
By the way, cannabis oil is the most potent oil extracted from the cannabis plant, with even stronger medicinal properties than CBD oil. Most people who talk about medicinal hemp oil are actually referring to cannabis oil or hemp oil with THC.

Benefits of High-Quality CBD Hemp Oil
Although research into the effects of CBD hemp oil is still ongoing, it is appreciated by users for its versatile applications. It is important to emphasize that CBD hemp oil is not a medicine and is not intended as a medical treatment. Here are some potential uses that are often mentioned:
Soothing and relaxing
CBD hemp oil is often cited in connection with promoting relaxation. Many users experience a sense of calm after using CBD, which can contribute to a more relaxed lifestyle.
Balance and well-being
As part of a daily routine, CBD hemp oil is used by some to support a sense of physical and mental balance.
Skin care and beauty routine
CBD hemp oil is a popular choice in skin care, often adding it for its nurturing properties. It can help maintain healthy and hydrated skin.
Healthy lifestyle
CBD hemp oil is often mentioned in connection with supporting a healthy lifestyle, but it is important to remember that the experience with CBD can vary from person to person.

Buying medicinal hemp oil
If you want to buy medicinal hemp oil, it's good to emphasize: medicinal hemp oil usually refers to hemp oil with THC. This oil is only legally available in the Netherlands on doctor's prescription because it contains more than 0.2% THC. Hemp oil with CBD, however, is legally available. If you want to buy medicinal hemp oil, though, there are websites that can put you in touch with home makers. The use of cannabis oil falls under the policy of tolerance in the Netherlands. You can also make this hemp oil yourself but the process is quite cumbersome and not entirely without risks.
Using Hemp Oil
If you want to buy and use hemp oil, it is advisable to gradually build up the dosage. Both hemp oil with CBD and hemp oil with THC are taken orally in the form of drops. You do not swallow the drops, but let them absorb under the tongue. The active substances are then absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth. But how much hemp oil per day is healthy? Since the effects of hemp oil vary for each person, we recommend starting with a few drops per day.
You can then slowly observe the effects and gradually increase the dosage until the desired effect is achieved. At Happy CBD, we know that using CBD hemp oil is very personal. We are happy to assist you with advice and guidance. We also offer a personal logbook where you can track your dosage and experiences with hemp oil each day.
For more relaxation
Hemp oil can be a valuable choice if you need support in calming your body and mind, such as after a busy day.
For a better night's sleep
Some choose to add hemp oil to their evening ritual because it can help create a calm atmosphere and contribute to a restful night's sleep.
In combination with other cannabinoids
If you are already familiar with CBD oil and the benefits it provides for you, CBN combined with other cannabinoids, such as CBD, can enhance the effect of a full-spectrum oil.
Important though
Hemp oil is a natural support, but does not replace medical treatment. It is always wise to seek advice from a physician or specialist, especially if you have questions about use or specific health goals.
What is CBD?
CBD oil has been hugely popular for many years and has a wide range of applications. CBD oil is also known as cannabis oil. However, cannabis oil is a collective term for all types of oil extracted from the cannabis plant. CBD is obtained from the hemp plant and contains no (or a negligible amount of) THC.
CBD oil is therefore a cannabis oil that does not make you high. Inside our bodies, there is a complex system of proteins known as cannabinoid receptors, referred to as the endocannabinoid system. This system is also known as the body’s own cannabinoid system (the Greek word “endo” means ‘internal’ or ‘within’). This system is influenced by cannabinoids and regulates various processes.
It also regulates the processing of the body’s own cannabinoids, such as adrenaline, serotonin, and melatonin. CBD can support this internal system.
Want to learn more about CBD oil? Read more here!
What is Cannabis Oil?
Cannabis oil is a 100% natural oil with unique medicinal properties. It is made from the cannabis plant and is the strongest oil derived from this plant. Cannabis oil is also known as hash oil, cannabis oil, or THC oil. The main ingredient in cannabis oil is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). A good cannabis oil typically contains about 15 to 20% of this compound.
THC is a psychoactive substance that gives marijuana its well-known mind-altering effect. Less known is that THC also has powerful medicinal properties. Cannabis oil is generally not used to get high. THC oil is primarily used to take advantage of the therapeutic effects of cannabis.
Want to learn more about cannabis oil? Read more here!
What are the benefits of CBD oil?
A healthy body starts with a balanced lifestyle, but a little extra help from CBD oil certainly doesn’t hurt and can even provide several benefits. Regular oral intake of cannabis oil can have a huge positive impact on your body and mind. From mild skin issues to serious illnesses, just a few drops of CBD oil a day can offer numerous benefits.
We outline the biggest health benefits of CBD oil for you on the CBD oil benefits page
Who is it suitable for?
Just like humans, animals also have an endocannabinoid system. This body system is influenced by cannabinoids and regulates various processes. CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, a system that keeps the body in balance and affects the transmission of signals (such as pain signals).
CBD is suitable for both humans and animals. For pets such as dogs and cats, we recommend a low dosage with no more than 5% CBD. In general, administering CBD oil does not cause any unpleasant side effects. However, keep an eye on your pet and the dosage to see how they respond.
What percentage do I need?
CBD oil is available in different concentrations. The most suitable concentration for you or your pet depends on various factors. Our range of CBD oil consists of oils with varying percentages. The CBD percentage indicates the amount of CBD in the entire oil.
For small pets, we recommend a percentage of 2.5 to 3%. Adults may benefit from a concentration of 5% or higher. For the real ‘hardcore’ users, there are CBD paste and CBD crystals, where the percentage can go up to 98%. We recommend gradually building up the usage, and we are happy to advise you further on this!
Difference Between Weed Oil & CBD Oil
CBD oil is – incorrectly – also referred to as weed oil. Weed oil is an oil that contains a significant amount of THC. It is made from the buds of the cannabis plant and is also called THC oil. THC oil is psychoactive.
How much does CBD oil cost?
The price often varies greatly depending on the quality and dosage. Since both the prices and the quality can differ significantly, there is no clear-cut answer to the question “how much does CBD oil cost?”
Sometimes, you may find a good deal on oil, but in general, it’s true that for better quality, you will pay a little more.
A key factor in the price is also the amount of CBD added to a product. For example, an oil with 20% CBD or 30% CBD is often more expensive than one with 5% CBD.
However, in the world of CBD, more is not necessarily always better. Often, a percentage of 10-12% is more than enough to alleviate issues. Many people even benefit from oils with 5% CBD.
To determine which oil works best for you, it’s advisable to start with a lower percentage and gradually build up.
What is the best CBD oil?
What is the best CBD oil? The type of oil you should use depends entirely on the goal you have in mind. For most people, a CBD oil with between 5% and 15% is ideal to achieve the desired effect. It’s best to start with a low dose and gradually build up. Always choose a high-quality oil, meaning that pure CBD oil is used without additives. Preferably, choose an organic variant to ensure you are buying pure CBD oil free from pesticides and other toxins.
Medicinal CBD oil
To be legally sold in the Netherlands, CBD oil must contain no more than 0.2% THC (THC is the psychoactive substance in cannabis that causes a high or stoned feeling). Therefore, the CBD you can buy online is THC-free (or contains only a negligible amount). While CBD is known for its health benefits, when most people talk about medicinal CBD oil, they are actually referring to THC oil. This oil contains up to 15-20% THC and is only available in the Netherlands with a doctor’s prescription.
Calming effect
Helps with anxiety and tension
Soothing effect
Buy hemp oil
Order hemp oil with a happy feeling in our webshop. We only sell organic hemp oil, free from chemicals and other unnecessary additives. All our CBD oil is triple tested; the quality of our top-class products is always verifiable. Curious about what hemp oil can do for you? Discover it yourself and easily order your CBD hemp oil online!
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